Friday, December 30, 2016

                                                            THE ENDING OF 2016

As 2016 is closing, for those of us who prayed for changes (within and without) and have not seen the manifestation of those changes, please take heart and don’t despair.  The changes you have asked for although they have not materialized as you desired, are gradually taking place within you as part of the Divine Plan.  The Creator has heard your supplication and has granted your request and they are manifesting in incremental stages.  Our frail human bodies cannot withstand the overload if all we desired were to be accomplished in the time we call now – so baby steps are necessary.

We have seen unexpected changes this year. Some changes brought out the best in us, and some the worst. Please remember that there is good and bad in all of us. We take the bitter with the sweet and that is life and growth. If everything was all good how would we grow?  The changes that we asked for are two-fold. Sometimes when we ask fervently from our minds, our heart is asking for something different. Therefore, the prayers that come from the heart and not the lips are answered. When we have the discerning mind to know the difference, then we can recalibrate our asking.

As we come to the end of 2016, which is a number 9 year in numerology and represents the end of a cycle, most of us cannot wait for it to be over. We are ready to be rid of all the negative that 2016 appeared to have manifested. However, in retrospect, there is much to celebrate: Some of us have graduated from school, or started our own business. Some of us made new friends, some of us have grown closer to family and some of us have opened ourselves to be loved and to love. There are myriads of magical things that took place, some of them, albeit not in big splashes, but none-the-less, miracles. Every day is a miracle. Let us be grateful for them and enjoy the blessings. For those who experienced transition of our loved ones, my deepest sympathy to you. Know that they are still with you, in spirit.

So my wishes for all my fellow beings on planet earth as the dawning of 2017 approaches is to let us celebrate the new beginning: be open and receptive to miracles; enjoy life to the fullest; make the changes within you that you want to see in the world.

To help you on your journey, I’d like to suggest a great school called Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, to give yourself a chance to strut your stuff. You will be amazed at what shines forth from within. The staff and faculty are wonderful people. I got my awakening there and still continue to expose myself to further awakenings.

With Unconditional Love, Healing, and Compassion, I wish you all a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016

                                                            THE AQUARIAN AGE

According to New Age Teaching and Astronomers we have been in the Aquarian Age since 11/11/11, or 12/12/12, take your pick. The Aquarian Age will last approximately 2,000 years. The Aquarian Age ushers in a period of self-examination and newfound “truth”. In the Piscean Age we had followed blindly the patriarchal society, seldom questioning the dogmas that were laid down before us. We subjugate ourselves to the “elders” as they know what was good for us. Now, the old guards need to be changed and be replaced with a new paradigm of compassion, tenderness and light and most of all LOVE. Love is the answer.

We are in the information age whether we want to acknowledge it or not; it is here to help or hinder us depending on how it is used. Everything is placed before the world and secrets that were hidden are now being revealed in rapid succession. These revelations are to be scrutinized to see what “truth” is in line with our values and integrity and how best can we utilize them for the highest good. 

We now have to examine ourselves and look within for answers that have long eluded us. The answers were always within us. We can no longer look outside of ourselves for directions because we have been awakened and we have choices. We can be illuminated by the loving light that is within us and send that light to the outer world or we can continue to live within the darkness. 

We can now utilize our knowing to be beacon of light, love and compassion to uplift humanity. We can now use our empowerment to live in fear and continue to see ourselves as victims or bring forth the love that will elevate us as victors.  Whatever our beliefs we are now on the pathway to determine whether this system is now a hindrance or a furtherance of our spiritual growth.  The time for reflection is now.

The Aquarian Age is about the blossoming of our spirituality. Whatever name we ascribe to the Creator, it is time for us to show up on a daily basis, acknowledge, practice, and embrace our divine linkage with the Creator. When we connect with the Divine, we are invigorated with the wholesomeness of love, healing, compassion, charity and all the positive energy of the Creator.  We come alive with richness of spirit to disburse to everyone and not feel depleted.  We can live in a loving community with our fellow being where war is past history and we no longer feel disconnected.

This is the time for our guiding light to shine forth and illuminate the dark and dire recess of our thinking. We can replace them with bold, enlightened and loving ideas that will embolden us to overcome the darkness that have overshadowed us for so long. It is the time for us to emerge from our cocoon as transformed beings of light passionate in our love for each other. Let us be the instrument of change within ourselves and watch as the world changes around us.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7, 2016

                                                THE GIFT OF LOVING ENERGY

The day after the election, I found myself energy depleted.  Many of the American people spoke from an unloving place with negative energy and I felt robbed.  I could not remember the last time I felt this way. So because I know that everything has a purpose and it is in divine order, I tried to find answer within myself and from the creator. But each time I came back empty.

On November 10, 2016, two days after the election, I replenished my energy and became one with myself and the universe. I went in my back yard, commune with mother earth, sent love and healing to her, my fruit trees, and all my indoor and outdoor plants.  In return I was invigorated and I decided to take a walk to the grocery store. While doing so I experienced the wonders and blessings of the Creator. 

As I stepped out of my front door I was welcomed with birds chirping and flying all around my fountain. I felt the sun’s warmth on my body nourishing me with vitamin D and giving me a surging burst of energy.  As I felt the sun’s rays on my body I realized that the heat was not debilitating but a glowing flame of loving energy. It was an exceptional morning walk. I wanted to stay outdoors to bask in its glow.

As I continued, I looked around and noticed that the trees were barely moving their leaves. It seemed that there was stillness in the air and yet I felt a gently caressing breeze moving all around me. I felt and was filled with unconditional love. I felt a sense of peace and calm that I did not experienced the previous day and I am exhilarated and strengthened by this knowledge. I felt a tremendous feeling of confidence that I, once again, have been blessed, to witness the Creator’s hands at work. I saw and experienced smiling faces, polite strangers helping each other, and I am reminded that after chaos comes divine order.

This election was ours to determine because we all had a choice. This planet is one of absolute free will. We choose. We create. We manifest. The universe obliges what we choose to create through the laws of attraction. Our thoughts become words and our words become experiences made manifest by our doing and being. We are constantly creating.

This is a wakeup call for us to be ever mindful of our thoughts, words and deeds. We have seen what we created and some of us are not elated. However, we now can focus on creating a better environment by replacing what was built with the greatest ammunition: LOVE. We can send love and healing to our new president-elect and to the other elected candidates. We must send love, light, and healing to our fellow brothers and sisters for the highest good of humanity. We have it within us to bring forth this miracle and we can do it. We are miracle workers.

LOVE is the answer to every situation. As we learn this from all things, our spiritual body evolves with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. And as we continue to co-create with this evolving knowledge, we can send forth love, light and compassion to planet earth and the universe and we can manifest a world devoid of hate, greed, racism, etc. Then, only LOVE will permeate the universe.

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28, 2016

                                                ORDER FROM CHAOS

The election is now over.  It has been a year of madness, bitterness, and chaotic behavior.  All these manifestations are in divine order and the winner is now imbued with restoring order from the shambles of chaos. This also is in divine order.

We cannot escape the order of the divine. Sometimes we get frustrated and cannot fathom why inappropriate behavior is tolerated. But if we peel back the curtain and take a look at past history, we realize that the drama we have created must be played out until the final curtain. Only then can we begin to reshape our orderly creation.

There were times during this election cycle that we wonder whether we were temporarily insane. Neighbors, friends, and families turned against each other because each side was hearing what they wanted to hear. If the pronouncements on the campaign trail are to be believed then we are in for a period of intense density. But we as light givers are here to effect an orderly transformation of darkness to light. We all have to utilize our creative energy of love, light, healing and compassion to make order out of the chaos.

The year 2016, in numerology, represents #9 (2+0+1+6) which signifies the end or a completion.  It also represents emotional energy – witness the chaos that we saw in this election cycle. It is also a time for embracing the bigger picture. The #9 is a reminder that we can no longer look through the lens of our own local scale but through the prism of the global stage. We are all interconnected.

We are at the pivotal stage of emerging from darkness and into the light. We are now called more than ever to embrace the light and shine forth our gifts for the betterment and the elevation of mother earth: one of the essential ingredients for a higher vibration of planet earth.

By sending light we can dispel the darkness that lurks on the horizon. We can send love to the nation to counteract the negativity and we can send healing to the wounded spirits and, above all, we can have compassion for what we have manifested.  Everything is in divine order.

Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2011                                          


What is FAITH?
“... Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1, King James Version (KJV). Faith is the belief, against all odds, that there is a good solution to everything. We exercise a high level of faith daily. From the unfettered knowledge that the sun will rise in the East and set in the West, to believing that the moon will appear on the horizon somewhere in the world without any effort. Faith is the hope that the God we pray to will hear and acknowledge our petitions and the trust we place in the Higher Power that everything will eventually right itself.
We are reminded of our faith when we use our creative ability and the inspirational flow from our Higher Self to shape and form a new paradigm to move forward. When we exercise faith in recognizing the creator’s voice to manifest our desires, we can assure ourselves that faith is at work and we can remove ourselves from situations that no longer serve us. Sometimes, this is not as easy as it sounds—especially if what we want does not manifest in the time we expect and we become disenchanted, disillusioned and unhappy.
But as co-creators of our world, we get to have the faith that the words we pronounce with our mouth have been heard, and the assurance that it will manifest itself in due time. Because of our faith, we know that it will be delivered, maybe not in the manner we thought, but at the exact way it is supposed to be.
The universe has big plans for us, and they are plans that our soul agreed to execute before we were born. All that is required is for us to stay strong and be faithful with our quest. Leave the details to the universe and everything will unfold even better than you could have wished. Our faith will then be manifested as we enjoy the abundance that is our birthright.

Faith opens the doors of love, peace, happiness, healing, and compassion for us and for all humanity. So let’s exercise our faith to break down the barriers and/or chains that prevent us from gaining access to the endless possibilities of wealth, abundance, prosperity, spirituality, compassion, peace, and love and exercise the faith that will bring us all of the above.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1, 2016                                                    

                                                            THE TIMES ARE CHANGING

The times are changing around us and we have to change with the times. This is essential to human evolution.  We shed the old and embrace the new. In this new paradigm we bring compassion, unconditional love, and illumination to the darkness. As Alfred Lord Tennyson said in his famous Morte d’Arthur: “The old order changeth yielding place to new…” So we must yield and accept the new because change is inevitable for our continued enlightenment.

As we look around the world, we are surrounded by wars, greed, hatred, corruption, etc., and we are frightened about the awesomeness of the new day that awaits us. We refuse to let go and embrace the change that is upon us.  We are so entrenched in the stability of the old order that we invent obstacles and place barriers to resist taking the necessary steps to evolve—all to the detriment of our souls. One of the reasons many civilizations fell was their resistance to change. Sometimes it was forced upon them resulting in wars; many carried on for years, and in the end, change did take place. More often or not the only choice left was revolution.

We are willing to make wars, subjugate populations to inhuman treatment rather than embrace the changes necessary for our evolution. We hold unto power as a mantle, unaware that power is transitory. As the power gradually slips away from us we become more fearful and tighten the reigns and create more havoc. When we fail to make the inevitable changes, we become stagnated and isolated--living in days of old that no longer serve us. Man-made power is temporary. The Creator’s power is permanent.

At each major step of the human evolution we were faced with major catastrophes.  We shifted our thinking and allowed the change to take place. And we continued to evolve. In the times when change was trust upon us, we faced the challenge and emerged a better race of people. Time and time again we have withstood the subtle and not-so-subtle forces of change and our evolution continued. We have come a long way from the dark ages and are now moving into the age of enlightenment, love, healing, light, and compassion.

We get to accept the changing of the guards. The old guards get to make way for the new.
In order to embrace this change, we get to examine our belief system, and how well that belief has served us. We get to take a good look at our lives physically and spiritually, declutter and remove the things that are no longer useful to us. We can now manifest peace, abundance, unconditional love, wellness, healing, joy and compassion to fill those empty spaces that we have created. We all are called upon to make the changes necessary to evolve for the greater good of humanity and our planet. That is our life mission on this planet.

When we allow the energy of change that the Creator sends to us we are transformed like the butterfly, and are free from angst, bigotry, hatred and all the negative traits that never served our greater good. We now look through life from the lens of love. We see the reflection of ourselves in our neighbors: perfect, whole and healthy because that is who we are. We aspire to become our brother/sister’s keeper. We selflessly stretch forth a helping hand to those in need. We become a community of helpers and/or doers for each other. We never ask for anything in return because the circle of life and love is unending allowing us to reap what we have sown: unconditional love, healing, light, and compassion.

This is not an easy task to accomplish. It takes constant work, but for the sake of our soul’s evolution, we get to make the change within ourselves to enact the changes on planet earth—through prayer in action. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25, 2016                                                       

                                                            ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE

I am on the last leg of my Transformational Life Coaching Journey and October 9, 2016 was an emotional day for me. It was the graduation ceremony and there were 13 students in the class. I thought of the number’s significance. In numerology, the number 13 equates to 4 (1+3) and the energy of the 4 is to ground. The energy of 4 is form and foundation for plans, dreams, and ideas. It also builds, endures, and preserves our accomplishment. As we ground ourselves we become unshakeable in our manifestation.

As our teacher, Richard Seaman, succinctly pointed out we are a tribe. As he was imploring us to go into the world to shine our lights, magnify the gifts that have been given to us, and make a difference, I envisioned a tribe of thirteen Way Showers.

As I listened to his words extolling our greatness and challenging us, in his stern, yet loving way, to stand in our integrity in whatever we do, create what is good and wholesome from the core of our being, I am reminded of Matthew 19:26: With God all things are possible (The King James Version). I quote this scripture because it was vital for all of us to come together as a group. This was no accident, it was divinely ordered. The energy was palpable and I thank Spirit with love and gratitude to be a part of this awakening.

My journey in this class did not start with enthusiasm.  I was led by Spirit to further my education. I began questioning the “whys” as I am wont to do when confronted with change.  I thought, I already have my niche why should I seek another tool. I obeyed Spirit’s instructions stubbornly, and went to SWIHA, the place to go to forward your quest.

I recently became a Reiki Master. But my healing practice was not doing great. Those I had were repeat customers. I was not starving and with few financial obligations I was quite content. I did not aggressively seek clients. In order to keep myself in tune with the flow of energy I would volunteer my services once a month at SWIHA as an Energy Worker and wherever I was called. And that was fine with me, or so I thought.

During my coaching class we did an exercise called “in the box” where the premise was to get out of the box. At this junction, I was beginning to warm up to the possibilities of the program.  And during that exercise I realized I had put myself in a box, and I was no longer comfortable within those four walls.  I had my “Ah-ha” moment when it was my turn to get out. This was driven home when my classmate coach, Victoria, said to me that my tool was with me in the box. I looked at her askance and Vicky pointedly told me that I have the “knowing” within me to get out.

And as we stood in that circle of energy listening to each other declaring our intentions, I realized that all things are truly possible. We can be a beacon of change within ourselves and our community, one day at a time. We can move this energy of love, light and compassion forward and upward and welcome everyone to enter this great energy circle. As we stepped back from the center of the circle we beckoned and embraced those who are making their journey to enter and expand the circle of peace and love.

I am grateful for the energy of my fellow travelers who allowed me to see that there is not just one gift the Creator has given us but a multitude of gifts.  And as we carve out our niche, we are better able to serve humanity with love, compassion, and gratitude.  Thank you my Way Shower instructors, Richard, Loree, and Natalie for being there when we most needed you. Congratulations my spiritual travelers, the journey is not over. We have only tasted the appetizers. Now, let’s move onward to the main course. Believe in magic and be magical in our continued transformation.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

                                                A LETTER TO MY INNER CHILD

My dearest inner child, I am writing you this letter to remind you of how much love I have for you. You have been my bulwark of strength throughout my entire life. I never realized how much I have missed your laughter, your sunny disposition, the smile you bring to every situation whether negative or positive. 

I remember how you used to sing, sometimes deliberately off-key; you had the voice of a nightingale. I remember how you loved to play in the dirt. I watched you dance in the rain with outstretched arms in total abandonment as the water cascaded down your face.  I watched as you held your face up to the heavens and enjoyed the raindrops dancing on your face.  How I long for those days when we were carefree and in love with life. We laughed at everything – nothing was sacrosanct –there was life in everything around us and we could see the beauty, the love and the perfection in everything around us. Yes, I am doing the work to transform myself. And in my transformation, I find myself reminiscing a lot and yearning for those memorable and fun-filled days. But life happens for the reasons I did not yet know.

I am sorry for the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional pain, and abuse we both suffered. You retreated in your corner and I shut down–excluding you in the very moment that I needed you by my side. When I think of the horrors that we have been through and the daily pain that we endured and how we numbed ourselves in order to survive, I apologize with all my heart and soul. I am deeply sorry that I was not there to protect you. Please forgive me. Yet I am grateful for the journey and the lessons learned. While I thought I was alone during those times, I know now that I was not. I know now that you have been by my side, encouraging us to overcome.

While I thought we were separated due to suffering, I realize that the suffering I endured was my illusion. I am here today to tell you that I will no longer let us be separated because of life’s circumstances. I am dedicated to reunite and rekindle the connectedness that we once had.  I love you with every fiber of my being. It has been a very painful journey that I chose to take, one that I decided would help me grow. But now, we will journey together to dismantle, piece by piece, all the excess load that no longer serve our divine purpose. 

I love and admire your stamina because you did not curl up and die. You retreated into a caterpillar’s cocoon waiting for the day that I would transform into the lovely and beautiful butterfly that is you. I want to be with you when we fly among the trees, spreading our wings far and wide, enjoying the gentle breeze that lifts our spirit to reach the heavens.

I want us to soar once again as the eagle on the mountain top. I want to see our wings flapping in the wind as we ascend to greater heights. I want to hear your beautiful voice singing so gloriously that I am filled with joy and love. I want to see your wings casting shadows under the moonlight and rising up to the sun to embrace its warmth. Yes, all these things I want for both of us because we deserve them. And I know that now.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

                                                            BE STILL MY SOUL

As I ponder the title of this blog I am reminded of the hymn: “Be Still My Soul for God is Near” by author William Dalrymple Maclagan. How often are we really still so we can hear the messages from our souls? I know there are times when I pray that I am not fully in the present while I talk to the Creator. And sometimes during meditation as I listen to the Creator, I wander off at a pivotal point. Even though I typically bring myself back to the moment, I miss the opportunity of hearing that small voice that gives praise, love, healing, compassion, forgiveness, and instructions.

Be Still. Embrace the gentle wind that flows around and through us caressing our bodies with love and healing. Look upon the moon and stars that shine so brightly on a dark night, and garner the wisdom of their presence. Let their heavenly beams brighten our pathway and guide us to a better understanding of ourselves. Listen to the angels sending messages of joy, awakening, peace, abundance and prosperity. Hear the message of hope and love that they bring to us. Let the sound of victory manifest within our being. Bask in the warm glow of the sun as it sends healing to our body. Send appreciation and gratitude for its radiance and vitamins we freely receive.

Be still and give thanks to the Creator for our blessings. Acknowledge the farmers and their workers who daily toil to bring food to our table. Give thanks to the sun for sending warmth to germinate the seeds, mother earth for her gentle nurturing and the heavens for the rain that water and help the crops mature. Welcome the sweet smell of the blossoms of the fruit trees and be intoxicated with their aromas. Enjoy the amazing fruits and relish their sweetness. Be in wonderment that such nourishment springs from those small blossoms, and give thanks.

Be still and walk barefoot in nature’s soil or grass and absorb her healing and grounding powers. When you hug the tree listen to its wisdom because it has a story to tell. Be in awe of the greatness of the small, medium and large trees that loom on our horizon. Reflect on the transformation of the butterfly from a caterpillar so we too can transform ourselves.

Be still and acknowledge the creation of mother earth’s kaleidoscope of flowers, and be thankful for the birds and bees that pollinate her flowers. Look at the array of beautiful cacti that line the desert. Marvel that some of those cacti give life-sustaining food to the desert travelers and welcome the majesty of their blooming plumages. Be enthralled to the music of the chirping birds as they flit from trees to trees singing their songs of praise.  Watch the mother hens and their chicks, the female birds and their young ones, the animals with their newborns. Watch how they nourish, nurture, cherish and protect their young. They all offer such wonderful lessons for humanity.

Be still and listen to your inner child who aches for the love, compassion, joy, friendship, kinship and all that were absent from our lives when we were young. Send love and compassion to him/her for you are a reflection of that child. Pour your heart out to your inner child of all the pain, disappointment, abuse, that you have experienced and encountered. Know that the angels are with you at this moment of releasing and the Creator is now holding you in His loving arms, cradling, rocking, and surrounding you with unconditional love. Be aware that you are loved beyond your wildest imagination. Enjoy this state of bliss which will be embedded forever in your psyche.

Be still and know that all is not lost in this topsy-turvy world. Be open and receptive to this message. Become inspired to be a creative warrior for justice, peace and goodwill. Listen to the beat of your heart; hear the messages of hope, love, healing, forgiveness, and compassion. Embrace this stillness, for in these moments of stillness we can hear and listen to the voice of our Creator and we can begin to co-create a better today and all our tomorrows.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

                                                            THE BUDDHA IN YOU

Thousands of years ago a wise man said: Look within, thou art the Buddha. Now take a good look in the mirror. What do you see but a reflection of yourself, the Buddha within?  We are all Buddhas destined to cause a human revolution within our lives and the world. When we live our lives to our highest potential displaying, love, compassion, gratitude, mercy and obedience, we are living the Buddha’s life.  In whatever form of Buddhism we practice when we act and live the tenets of these teachings we are emanating our Buddhahood.

According to the teaching of Nichiren Buddhism when we chant Nam-myoho-rengo-kyo ("I devote myself to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound," we are changing our inner self and this change is reflected in how we are seen by others. When we change people around us change.

We are in a pivotal stage of our evolution and our purpose is to reflect the Godlike qualities within us: to love unconditionally, illuminate the world with healing and compassion and raise each other’s vibration to the highest and greatest good of humanity. Let our Buddha nature surface and give humanity the infusion of light and love that we all need from time to time. When we do this on a daily basis, we are raising our own vibration as well as planet earth. Today is the day we start this chain reaction in elevating our thoughts in accelerating our vibrational power and ascendency.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22, 2016

                                                WHY ARE WE SO AFRAID?

Why are we so afraid? – Simple – we are more comfortable with the known rather than the unknown. The unknown disturbs our comfort level, reveals emotions that we never acknowledge exist within us. It opens our eyes to see, feel and experience the other side of us. After all, everything around us is only a mirror of our creation.

Because of fear we fail to experience life to the fullest. We failed to have a healthy exchange of ideas and viewpoint with our neighbors. We become afraid of crossing the street, interacting with strangers, (who by the way are not really strangers) going to another country, try a different type of food, etc.  We seldom explore our neighborhood. We become fearful of expressing and experiencing our true self, that masterpiece of love, compassion, forgiveness and healing that our Creator has made in His own image and likeness.

Our fear denies us the ability to ask and receive the abundance the universe has to offer.  And because we are stymied within our fearful self we never ask and, even when we ask, we doubt we will receive. We are afraid that there will never be enough of anything when the truth is, there is no lack.  On the one hand, the more fearful we become it frequently manifest itself in the form of hatred of self and others, bigotry, and racism. On the other hand, fear traumatized us to remain silent to the injustice that is taking place around us. By shifting our thought process (creative) we can clean up this toxic, fearful environment. 

Can we truthfully say that at any given time in our journey we have taken the time to look into the eyes of the person next to us and ask that person how you are doing and take the next step and ask about their family?  Not so long ago, it was normal to greet everyone you meet on the street. As I child, I remembered that if I pass a neighbor on the street and did not acknowledge them, I would be reported to my parents and suffered the humiliation of being marched to their house to ask for their pardon and promised never to do it again.  We no longer acknowledge each other because we live in fear and no longer see our inherent goodness. When we allow fear to be our guide instead of unconditional love, we traumatize ourselves. We boxed ourselves into little niches and we deprived ourselves the full measure of our being
As President Disaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai International Nichiren Buddism, once said: “Faith is to fear nothing, to stand unswayed, the power to surmount any obstacle.” We can overcome this distraction (it is only that) by affirming faith, truth and honesty in our everyday life.  We can banish the crippling fear that is destroying our daily lives and make love, light and compassion the norm rather than the exception. We can look fear in the eye each day and affirm to ourselves: “I fear you not, you no longer have the power over me, I am free from your drama and I am fully expressing my true self of love, joy, and laughter with compassion to myself and humanity.”

Let us embrace life to the fullest. Give light and love wherever we go illuminating the people and space we encounter. We can banish fear from our circle - acknowledge and greet each other, sow seeds of love and give light to everyone. This loving exchange of energy broadens our horizon. It allows the inevitable shift in our consciousness and ferment a better environment without fear. What a revelation!  What a revolutionary idea!  

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17, 2016


How often are we inspired by the Holy Spirit to create a masterpiece or to do an assignment for the upliftment of ourselves and humanity? It is the Holy Spirit that inspire us and the Divine Messenger, Archangel Gabriel, who delivers the how, why, and where for the accomplishment. Yet, sometimes, we woefully decide to do the opposite of what was asked of us. And as we deviate from the message we encounter more obstacles than necessary or the assignment unravels and we become exasperated. We display disbelief, anger, and frustration when the assignment does not succeed in the way we had planned. We asked ourselves “What went wrong?”

We tell ourselves we had followed the instructions to the letter but in retrospect, we could clearly see where we had deviated from the path that was laid out before us. There were signs all along the way that say “Stop! Do not go forward you are off track” but we did not adhere to the messages. We, then, were not really obedient nor were we fully compliant.

Sometimes we ignore the message because we are uncomfortable because it does not fit in our plans, our way of thinking, or our lifestyle. Out of fear, sometimes, we convince ourselves that we lack the ability to accomplish the task. However, when we act in faith, the message is never wrong. The message might not be as straightforward as we would like but in that instant we are called to exercise our faith and trust in the Divine. We all know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.  

I remembered sometime ago around 2011 I had just come home from work.  On entering the house I do recall vividly saying there has to be more meaning to my life than this. I heard “go back to school and change your lifestyle”. I thought to myself this was not what I had in mind but the message was persistent for the next couple of days. 

I have always been drawn to crystals so I thought I would find a crystal class and it should be easy and this would satisfy the school part of the message.  I looked up classes at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) and I enrolled in a crystal class.  I went into the class expecting to gain the full knowledge of how crystals work and their healing properties.

To my dismay it was far from easy. I came away from the class not knowing much of anything. Incidentally, I never followed up with any other classes. I did not appreciate the relevance of my going back to school neither did I have the right attitude and passion to absorb the intricacies of each crystal. Going back to school was part of the preparation I would need for the career change that was awaiting me. It would take me another 3 years to fully grasp the direction the Holy Spirit was pointing me. I had convinced myself that on the one hand I was being obedient yet on the other hand I was not being fully compliant. 

About a year after that class I was filled with energy vibrating throughout my body. Frankly, I did not know what was going on and the few spiritual people I knew could not tell me what to do with this energy and even though I was asking for an answer from the Holy Spirit it was not forthcoming or I was not listening. However, my intuition told me that this was a Divine Manifestation so I was not afraid.

I was also told to abstain from eating chemical processed food. Yet again, I was not fully compliant with the message. I did not change my lifestyle. I continued to eat chemically laden food and imbibed. Because I was not in total compliance I was beset with many obstacles on the job as well as hospitalization. Upon looking back on what took place in my life, the pathway would have been much smoother if I had only yield completely and obeyed fully the message that was given to me.

We live in a three-dimensional world and seldom see the bigger picture.   We only know in part and not the whole.  The Holy Spirit sees the whole picture. And each step of the way the parts that needed to be in place for the assignment have already been done. All we have to do is to comply and obey. I am reminded of 1 Samuel 15:22, New International Version (NIV) “To obey is better than sacrifice.” However, when we disobey we become like Saul. Saul failed to destroy the enemy and their possessions as instructed by God and forfeited the end result of the assignment.  

So, can we ask ourselves: are we in compliance with the task that we had promised to do when we were reincarnated? Are we being fully obedient with our assignment to give unconditional love, to send healing and forgiveness to ourselves and to those that hurt us; to send light into darkness, to send compassion to those in need?  We find it far easier to love those around us who return our love than to love those who look and act different from us. We avoid the dark side of ourselves and become dispassionate and unyielding to others who only mirror and shine the light to ourselves.

We can become obedient and make the world a better place by loving each other and by becoming more inclusive. We can become obedient and compliant and change our outlook and reach for the higher ground. And our way of being always makes an impact. As we go through life’s journey we can continue to ride the love train and make room for other passengers to get on board.

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9, 2016


                                                ARE WE GUILTY OF LOSING OUR SOULS?

As we climb the ladder of “success” I am reminded of Mark 8:36 King James Version (KJV): “For what shall it profit a man (woman), if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his/her own soul?” Were we motivated to help humanity for the greater good?  How well did we honor our spirit/soul while making unreasonable demands from others? How well have we, spiritually, been served with our past motives and actions to get ahead?  Did we experience joy, love and magic while accomplishing our goals?  Were we excited that we helped our brothers and sisters while we were reaching for the stars? These are just a few thought-provoking ideas that ought to be examined from time to time so we can align and/or re-align ourselves in our creation of love, healing and compassion.

Yes, this planet is full of all the things we need to live a full, prosperous and abundant life. There is no need to eliminate anyone who we perceive is blocking our way to “success.”  We all can share in God’s abundance – He laid the foundation for us before we were created.  All that is required of us is to give gratitude, thankfulness, and have faith. Trust and believe there’s no lack whatsoever of whatever we need.  There is so much abundance for everyone.

We can take a moment from our busy schedule to open our eyes to see and enjoy the majesty of the Creator’s handiwork.  We can watch the rising sun and appreciate its warmth that helps the crops to grow to bring food to our tables. We can watch the moon and stars as they illuminate the sky and are reminded of the olden days when our fore parents use these as tools to guide them on their journey. We can be still and align ourselves with Mother Earth and thank her for nourishing and nurturing us. We can watch the gentle flow of the river as it meanders over the rocks and stones in its pathway. We can be thankful and grateful for all the beauty and magic that are the Creator’s gift to us. We can acknowledge and be grateful for all the amazing blessings in our lives, our families, our friends, our neighbors and our community. We, as creators, can manifest beauty and magic in our lives.

When we are filled with that inner peace we allow ourselves and each other to “BE” and we let love and grace shine from our inner self to our outer self. We can affirm we have gain the whole world and have not lost our soul. Life can be beautiful when we allow ourselves to believe and work the magic.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31, 2016        
                                                DEATH AND REINCARNATION

What is death? Death is only a transitional passage, period or phase from one dimension and/or vibration level of the soul/spirit to another. I am reminded of the scripture, First Corinthians 15:55-57, King James Version (KJV). “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” The grave has no victory over us because we are always evolving into a higher vibration emanating more love and light into our next reincarnation.

Because we are spiritual beings having a human experience when we take the last breath the spirit/soul takes flight from the mortal flesh. Our soul is the free spirit of our embodiment that sometimes nudges us or speaks loudly to do what is right and just regarding our fellow beings. Even though our human body may suffer from illness, malady or pain before the final transition, death had no power over our spirit/soul. We have often heard from family members who talked about how peaceful and serene that person face was upon transition.

We freely volunteer to reincarnate on this planet. And we do this for a collective mission: to uplift the planet and all inhabitants to a higher vibration of light, love and compassion. We voluntarily agreed to do battle with the dark forces -- fear, hate, disharmony, racism, sexism, etc. -- that try to overtake humanity. We do this not by engaging in a battlefield of nuclear weapons, guns, swords, sticks and stones or more hateful debate; but by empowering other beings with ammunitions of love, light, grace, healing and compassion.

In doing so, we can now arm and illuminate ourselves to shine forth into every dark crevice of the world by giving the greatest gift of all: THE POWER OF LOVE. We are soldiers of light, love and compassion. We are light givers and we come to this planet resurrected with a new thinking of inclusivity where embracing and giving more love, joy, healing and compassion are the norm.

As we continue to pray for World Peace we can shed light and share love, charity and compassion in abundance. We can bring enlightenment to those who are searching for light. We can be diligent and conscientious and send out light to illuminate those still in darkness.

As we do battle and wield our Divine Sword of Light, our Divine Pink Flame of Love, our Divine Emerald Flame of Healing, and our Divine Purple Flame of Compassion we can deny the grave of negativity and its fleeting thought of victory. AND SO IT IS, AND SO IT IS, AND SO IT IS.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

                                                            LOVE, PEACE AND MERCY

The God that created this universe did so without violence. The creation of earth was done with love, healing, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. The intent was never for us to kill, maim and hate our brothers and sisters in His name. Somehow, we have turned our creative powers into the opposite of what the Creator intended. Yet, hope springs eternal.

One of the tenets of the Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitude) Matthew 5: 7 says:  “Blessed are the Merciful for they shall obtain Mercy.”  We have seen this displayed on the battlefield where mercy is sometimes shown to the “enemy”. We saw mercy on display after the South Carolina massacre. The grieving family extended mercy, love and forgiveness to the perpetrator.  We saw, after the Lebanese war, a Lebanese Christian intelligence officer, who had killed many Muslims during the war, ask for forgiveness in an open letter to the Muslim society.  All around us are examples of redemption, forgiveness and mercy.

As we strive to overcome the malaise of war, strife, anger and bitterness, I am reminded of yet another tenet of the Beatitude: Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God”, Matthew 5:9. When we make peace with our “enemy” with unconditional love we are living up to our full potential. We were created to live peaceable with our neighbors, within our community, and our neighboring countries.  Therefore, as we ponder these lines of scripture, we are reminded that these tools were given to us to embolden our lives to demonstrate mercy and peace. It was the blueprint for us to live and breathe through our daily existence.  Now is the time for us to re-center ourselves and demonstrate divine love and mercy for each other. Remember, we are all one. And since we are all creators we can create and manifest a world of love, joy and mercy.

Instead of elevating violence and bigotry we can bring peace within ourselves and to our fellow human beings.  Let’s understand the doom and gloom heard on the news and use it for its true purpose: to remind us that we are here to create all that is inherently good in us: love, joy, mercy, charity, compassion and peace.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 16, 2016

                                                ARE WE BEING TRUE TO OURSELVES?

Have we been true to ourselves? Have we created a loving, healing and compassionate
community for ourselves, our children and our fellow human beings?

The Creator made us into His own image and likeness and we are the prototype of goodness, love, generosity, kindness and compassion. When we are true to our self, we create peace and harmony. Yet, we have used our creative ability to build a world not of love and compassion but one that has a lot of hatred and chaos. The environment we have created is not a true reflection of ourselves. And we are now experiencing the environment we have created.

We go about our daily lives sowing seeds of discontent within our environment and, more importantly, within ourselves. We have done a disservice to ourselves by creating this angry, bitter and hate-filled environment.  It has become so toxic that most of us, if it were possible, would just disappear. How did we reach this level of discontent? We have lost touch with our inner light – the guiding light that propels us to be true to ourselves.

But we can change that. Let’s start by showing gratitude for what we already have: like our families whose very presence (whether you are in good relation with them or not) is a blessing. We all have friends and acquaintances that shower us with love.  And if we take a moment to look outside, we can see and enjoy the wonders of nature with all her beauty.  When we see the glass half full instead of half empty, it changes the environment around us. Time and time again, we yearn for what we don’t have (operating from the perspective of “lack of”) or harping on the “good old days,” which if we were true to ourselves, it wasn’t all good. What was good back then was community camaraderie: we helped each other, we looked out for each other and we shared with each other. We were truthful to ourselves and to others. We were our brother’s keeper.  We were all one. This was our community spirit.

We are on the cusp of electing another president for the next four years.  The visions espoused by the two candidates are completely opposite. One offers a pessimistic view of things and the other offers a glimpse of what can be a better future. We, as creator, can envision a world full of love, healing and compassion. We can use our creative ability to send love and light to both candidates.  And we can be in action about being love and light where we are whether we are part of the campaign or not. We have it in us to manifest this reality.

Are we living up to our God-given potential by being true to ourselves?  We are at the crossword where we have to light the fire of our inner truth and start to love ourselves again as well as loving our fellow beings. When we are true to ourselves we no longer have the desire to be untrue to each other.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 9, 2016

                                                            LOVE  IS ALL THERE IS

The greatest gift humanity has ever received is love. “Love is all there is” wrote Emily Dickinson “The Single Hound.” When we are deeply committed to being unconditional love we can overcome the dark thoughts that envelop us to move mountains and surmount all obstacles. This I know for sure.

Love is the gift from the Creator of All that IS. Love is the fabric of our being and the essence of who we truly are.  Love is the elixir of our soul that we get to give freely. God in His infinite wisdom did not give us love to be analyzed and parsed to death, however. It’s the simplest thing to express, but we make it complex.  Love comes in all shapes and forms. To those who are open and receptive to receive love in it various forms, are several times blessed.

Let’s look at love from a practical sense.  Whether we are speaking about a person or a thing, having unconditional love requires commitment. Did you know that the main reason people are successful in life is the love they have for whatever they started?  And that they were driven by the passion to see that project come to fruition.  The dedication that comes with unconditional love about a project is what helps you to see the project/thing to the very end. 

Unconditional love does not look for reciprocity. It can share in emotions, joy, pain, or pleasure; and not seek the same. Unconditional, or agape love, gives you and your loved ones the space to follow their path without making them feel guilty because they are not in sync with your own beliefs.  All of these components, among others, are intertwined in the Gift of Love.

When we can give the gift of love freely without pain and resentment we can truly say that we are living in the Now and that who we are at the core is aligned with who we are on the surface. This is a worthwhile, though a very hard, journey to take as it requires daily practice.

Let us be the giver of love to our fellow human beings and sow the seeds of love, watering each other daily to grow.  Give the Gift of Love to everyone especially those who promote fear, hate, doom and gloom. The Gift of Love is the best tonic to our soothsayers.  So let the Gift of Love be the beacon of light to ignite the fire of love within the core of our being.

One of the tenets of this planet was the gift of free will. So why not use this all powerful gift to spread love not hate, healing not pain, joy not gloom, optimism not pessimism. We can make the choice to use this gift wisely. Let the love revolution continues.

Love, Healing and Blessings to you all.

Monday, August 1, 2016

August 1, 2016

                                    DEATH AND LIFE ARE IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” -Proverbs Chapter 18, Verse 21.

I have often wondered about the paradox of this scripture. I never fully comprehended its true wisdom. However, today, I got a glimpse behind these words. Each time we speak harshly with unkind words to each other we are using the tongue as a weapon that pierces the spirit of the person we are speaking about.  We don’t see physical wounds when we use words, but the harm done is actually more damaging. A spirit wounded by the constant onslaught of unloving words silences the soul and kills dreams, hopes and eventually the body responds.

Let’s Choose Life.

Deuteronomy Chapter 30, Verse 19 says: "I have set before you life and death …therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live.” When we nourish and nurture each other with love and compassion we create space for a harmonious relationship to exist and expand.

When we are coming from a place of love and compassion—that means seeing and responding to the spirit of a person, rather than their flaws--we would see our sisters and brothers (and ourselves) as made in the image of God. We would see the Divine spark within each other. That spark lights our pathways through the difficult journey of life. That spark beckons us to embrace one another, love and rejoice with each other and see the spirit of love and compassion shining like stars on a very dark night.

I can remember my mother telling me how much she disliked and hated me. My birth was not something she wanted. She disappeared from my life and reappeared when I was 10 years old. Whenever she did not like something she would loudly berate me—to the point where the neighbors would gather around to watch. Her words made me feel like I was not worthy of life and that I would not amount to anything much.

Like many children who have been subjected to this type of harangue, I, at the time, could not comprehend that my mother was projecting her pain unto me. As a result, I was stymied into not speaking up for myself because I doubted anyone would listen to me and I believed that what I had to say had no value. This followed me throughout my primary school years and I would never offer an answer to any questions unless I was called upon by the teacher.

But the Holy Spirit always sends someone to comfort you.  My sixth grade teacher saw my potential, and took me under her wings. Through her tutelage I was able to see my self-worth.  But the scars were very deep, and remained well into adulthood. It started to heal when I became involved in metaphysical work and by constantly working on myself.

As a result of doing introspective work, I realized how important words are. Specifically, how much words of comfort would have been better—for me and for her.

If you are a parent, can you recall the look on your child’s face when he/she showed you his/her report card? If their grades did not meet your standard of excellence, were you harsh or understanding? If the former, can you recall the harsh words that were spoken to that child about not doing better? If you think back, the look of despair on his/her face probably said: “I am not worthy,” “I cannot live up to your expectation,” “I have done my best but it is not good enough for you.” Parents are not perfect. We have all been there and regretted harsh words as soon as they were uttered. Remember: Death and life is in the power of the tongue.”

Imagine how he/she would feel with words of comfort.  Imagine how those words could elevate instead of traumatize. We can choose life instead of death by thinking first, before we speak. No matter the situation, if anger is the emotion that first appears, take the time to ask yourself: What words can I say to forward this person or this situation? How can I support him/her at this moment?  It’s always our choice to choose to be kind and loving with our words whenever we can instead of putting each other down. This is not easy to do daily. It is a hard road to travel especially when we have also experienced traumatizing moments as children or as adults and we have not done the work to free ourselves.

There are times we choose death with our words instead of life.  When that happens we should have the courage to apologize—to the person we said those words to and to ourselves for projecting our emotional pain onto them. We should also be grateful for the mirror they provided to us at that moment, which allowed that pain to surface. Because at the end of the day, the emotion we are feeling is not about the other person or what he/she did. It is, after all, always about what is already inside of us.

Monday, July 25, 2016


July 25, 2016

                                                            THE GREATEST GIFT IS LOVE

In the words of Master Jesus: “Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends”. John 15:13 (King James Version).This is the ultimate portrayal of unconditional love as was preached during Jesus’ life on earth. Think about how awesome this statement is. 

I am not saying that we should start giving our lives for our enemies or for our friends. On the contrary, I am saying if we can find it in our hearts to love unconditionally, especially those who cause us pain, grief, loss of trust, and whatever discomforts we are experiencing and all the myriad of things that anger us for which we are unable to let go, there will be no need to sacrifice our lives because LOVE IS THE ANSWER to all our grief, and sufferings.

To open our hearts to unconditional love is easier said than done –I know from experience. I am still working on it daily. This change does not take place overnight, it is constant work but the reward is so freeing and exhilarating.  To send unconditional love to someone who has wounded you so deeply is the best antidote you will ever find. It frees and releases you from the anger, pain and mistrust that have been eating away your very soul.

When we are filled with love, the unconditional type, we become emissaries of the Creator of All That IS.  We do not expect anything in return for being our god-given selves.  The universe opens up to us and pours out abundance.  We experience wealth – in health, companionship, friends, and families who surround us with that umbrella of love. Stress is no longer part of our daily life hence no disease, pain and worry – all because there’s no lack of anything. We no longer see our fellow being as being different from us regardless of their ethnicity. We are all one.

Whatever the circumstances we are confronted with when we are filled with unconditional love, we get clarity of thought and a different perspective of the situation and are able to overcome it while being steadfast in our love vibration. In the face of hatred, love conquers all the time – in the face of adversity love strengthens. In the face of disaster love comes to the rescue.  How many times have we seen this manifest?  Think about the global reaction to Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, or the terrorist attacks in Paris. The outpouring of love from all over the country and the world – were examples of unconditional that were allowed to come to the surface.

Where there is love hate cannot thrive, where there is love evil cannot abide. Love is the beacon that shines its light into our hearts magnifying the eternal stream of unconditional love that flows endlessly into the inner and outer realms of our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental bodies. Unconditional love is the unseen glue that binds humanity together in the image and likeness of our Creator. Let us pull out our garden tools and start planting the seeds of love and see how the world around us changes. We are the instrument of change so let’s continue the love revolution.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

                                                LOVE THY NEIGHBOR

July 19, 2016

The Master Jesus, when asked by His Disciples which was the great commandment in the law He replied that the first was to Love God with all your heart……and the second commandment was to LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THYSELF. These are the two greatest commandments of the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:36-4 (King James Version).

Let’s continue spreading Love. We often think about the love connection as the love between a man and woman, or the love between children/family and friends. But love is an expansion of all these things although in different dimensions.

Think about your neighbor, the family that lives next to you on your right and left. They are your physical neighbors, yes. But take it one step further. Anywhere at any given time, the person or persons that is (are) in close proximity to you is (are) considered your neighbor(s). In the spiritual sense your neighbor is the one who occupies the space next to you at any given time, whether it is in the church or temple you worship, the theatre, the movie, or the shopping mall.  And regardless for how long or when, they are all your spiritual neighbors.

Think of how you interact with your neighbors. A simple Good Morning, a genuine smile that comes from the heart, helping an elderly person to cross the street, giving alms to the poor and those in need, feeding the poor and homeless, saying Thank You to the person who serves you in whatever capacity – all these are acts of love that can be shared with our fellow human being and who are our spiritual neighbors. When these acts of kindness are displayed, however random, they cause a ripple effect. 

“Love should be a force that helps you expand your life and bring forth your innate potential with fresh and dynamic vitality,” wrote President Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai International Buddhism. (Excerpted from Discussions on Youth Vol. 1 (SGI-USA, 1998). So when we give unconditional love we are in essence expanding our life force as well as the life force of the receiver of that love.

We have forgotten how to be kind and loving to ourselves and others – but there is no rule or law that says we cannot try to recapture the pure essence of love that is imbedded in our DNA. So keep spreading love. GIVE MORE LOVE until it becomes the only epidemic worth catching.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All Things Spiritual

                                                            ALL THINGS SPIRITUAL

July 10, 2016

This is my first blog and I must say that I have resisted using the social media since its inception but today I was inspired to write about how we, the human race, can help to foster peace, through LOVE AND COMPASSION for each other. While thinking on what I would say, I got the above title “All Things Spiritual” and wondered what I can add to the existing conversation that has not been already said to make a difference.  But as the spirit moves through me – here I am penning these few words. 

As I sat down to write the Scripture of Matthew 7:12 came to me and it says “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets”. In other words do unto others as you would like others do to you.  Let’s pause and ponder the above. We all wanted to be treated fairly at the least but if we think about it - how many times have we treated each other unkindly yet expecting the opposite for ourselves? 

As I watched the tragedy unfolds over the last week-- the shootings of unarmed black men and that of the Dallas policemen I watched the various pundits/politicians pontificating and blaming everyone that they have grievances with from the President down to the men who were actually killed instead of going inward to see how our actions or inactions have created the present environment.  Minorities have been marginalized to such an extent that it is no longer safe to be within the land of their birth. As John Donne, the English Poet wrote in his poem “No Man is an Island”: “Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee”. So no matter the race,  every  death robs society-- not to mention the families left behind --of a worthwhile being.

So this brings me back to the Scripture of Matthew. We can start this love and compassion revolution by being kind to each other, show love and spread joy wherever we go and have a unification of our souls by sharing peace, love and compassion, just as we would like to be treated. We will be amazed at the power we share in unity to make the necessary change and turn things turn around.

Here are three steps you can start with now:

(1)        Invite the Divine Pink Flame of Love into your heart chambers let it vibrate into your      heart filling your entire being with love then send the love vibration to your fellow being and into the universe. To do this envision a bright Pink Light coming from the universe entering into your heart chamber then see this light spreads throughout the heart chambers filling your heart and your entire body with unconditional love and then release. Always ground and center yourself before bringing the light.

(2)        Invite the Divine Emerald Flame of Healing into your heart chambers, let it reverberate
 within the very soul of your being healing your entire body of all pent-up emotions and freeing yourself from all negative thinking and send this healing vibration to all humanity. Repeat the visualization process in (1) substituting Emerald Light.

(3)        Invite the Divine Purple Flame of Compassion into your heart chambers, filling the heart          chambers with compassion for you and then releasing it to all living beings on this earth as well as the universe. Repeat the visualization process in (1) substituting Purple Light.

We are all Divine Souls who came to this earth for a purpose: to share love, healing and compassion among other things. But until we love, heal and be compassionate with ourselves we cannot make the changes in others. Think about this statement. When we change ourselves we change others so if everyone is changing then the world is changing.  Powerful Imagery. So let us reach into the inner fountain of wisdom that is imbedded deep within us and bring it to the forefront of our outer being to save ourselves and humanity from completely destroying the beautiful temple of ourselves.

As I am closing I also got this message from Ecclesiastes 3:8 which states: “A time to love and a time to hate, a time of war and a time of peace”.  We have been through the times of hate and war with a vengeance and are still going through it so now is the time to use the higher vibration of Love, Peace, Healing and Compassion to complete our mission.

Whether you believe in spirituality or not it can be done by just saying a few kind words to each other as we go through our daily lives. Each word of kindness, love, healing and compassion, can be passed on to the next person. LOVE IS CONTAGIOUS LETS START AN EPIDEMIC.

With Love, Light and Gratitude, I thank you for listening.