Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25, 2016                                                       

                                                            ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE

I am on the last leg of my Transformational Life Coaching Journey and October 9, 2016 was an emotional day for me. It was the graduation ceremony and there were 13 students in the class. I thought of the number’s significance. In numerology, the number 13 equates to 4 (1+3) and the energy of the 4 is to ground. The energy of 4 is form and foundation for plans, dreams, and ideas. It also builds, endures, and preserves our accomplishment. As we ground ourselves we become unshakeable in our manifestation.

As our teacher, Richard Seaman, succinctly pointed out we are a tribe. As he was imploring us to go into the world to shine our lights, magnify the gifts that have been given to us, and make a difference, I envisioned a tribe of thirteen Way Showers.

As I listened to his words extolling our greatness and challenging us, in his stern, yet loving way, to stand in our integrity in whatever we do, create what is good and wholesome from the core of our being, I am reminded of Matthew 19:26: With God all things are possible (The King James Version). I quote this scripture because it was vital for all of us to come together as a group. This was no accident, it was divinely ordered. The energy was palpable and I thank Spirit with love and gratitude to be a part of this awakening.

My journey in this class did not start with enthusiasm.  I was led by Spirit to further my education. I began questioning the “whys” as I am wont to do when confronted with change.  I thought, I already have my niche why should I seek another tool. I obeyed Spirit’s instructions stubbornly, and went to SWIHA, the place to go to forward your quest.

I recently became a Reiki Master. But my healing practice was not doing great. Those I had were repeat customers. I was not starving and with few financial obligations I was quite content. I did not aggressively seek clients. In order to keep myself in tune with the flow of energy I would volunteer my services once a month at SWIHA as an Energy Worker and wherever I was called. And that was fine with me, or so I thought.

During my coaching class we did an exercise called “in the box” where the premise was to get out of the box. At this junction, I was beginning to warm up to the possibilities of the program.  And during that exercise I realized I had put myself in a box, and I was no longer comfortable within those four walls.  I had my “Ah-ha” moment when it was my turn to get out. This was driven home when my classmate coach, Victoria, said to me that my tool was with me in the box. I looked at her askance and Vicky pointedly told me that I have the “knowing” within me to get out.

And as we stood in that circle of energy listening to each other declaring our intentions, I realized that all things are truly possible. We can be a beacon of change within ourselves and our community, one day at a time. We can move this energy of love, light and compassion forward and upward and welcome everyone to enter this great energy circle. As we stepped back from the center of the circle we beckoned and embraced those who are making their journey to enter and expand the circle of peace and love.

I am grateful for the energy of my fellow travelers who allowed me to see that there is not just one gift the Creator has given us but a multitude of gifts.  And as we carve out our niche, we are better able to serve humanity with love, compassion, and gratitude.  Thank you my Way Shower instructors, Richard, Loree, and Natalie for being there when we most needed you. Congratulations my spiritual travelers, the journey is not over. We have only tasted the appetizers. Now, let’s move onward to the main course. Believe in magic and be magical in our continued transformation.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

                                                A LETTER TO MY INNER CHILD

My dearest inner child, I am writing you this letter to remind you of how much love I have for you. You have been my bulwark of strength throughout my entire life. I never realized how much I have missed your laughter, your sunny disposition, the smile you bring to every situation whether negative or positive. 

I remember how you used to sing, sometimes deliberately off-key; you had the voice of a nightingale. I remember how you loved to play in the dirt. I watched you dance in the rain with outstretched arms in total abandonment as the water cascaded down your face.  I watched as you held your face up to the heavens and enjoyed the raindrops dancing on your face.  How I long for those days when we were carefree and in love with life. We laughed at everything – nothing was sacrosanct –there was life in everything around us and we could see the beauty, the love and the perfection in everything around us. Yes, I am doing the work to transform myself. And in my transformation, I find myself reminiscing a lot and yearning for those memorable and fun-filled days. But life happens for the reasons I did not yet know.

I am sorry for the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional pain, and abuse we both suffered. You retreated in your corner and I shut down–excluding you in the very moment that I needed you by my side. When I think of the horrors that we have been through and the daily pain that we endured and how we numbed ourselves in order to survive, I apologize with all my heart and soul. I am deeply sorry that I was not there to protect you. Please forgive me. Yet I am grateful for the journey and the lessons learned. While I thought I was alone during those times, I know now that I was not. I know now that you have been by my side, encouraging us to overcome.

While I thought we were separated due to suffering, I realize that the suffering I endured was my illusion. I am here today to tell you that I will no longer let us be separated because of life’s circumstances. I am dedicated to reunite and rekindle the connectedness that we once had.  I love you with every fiber of my being. It has been a very painful journey that I chose to take, one that I decided would help me grow. But now, we will journey together to dismantle, piece by piece, all the excess load that no longer serve our divine purpose. 

I love and admire your stamina because you did not curl up and die. You retreated into a caterpillar’s cocoon waiting for the day that I would transform into the lovely and beautiful butterfly that is you. I want to be with you when we fly among the trees, spreading our wings far and wide, enjoying the gentle breeze that lifts our spirit to reach the heavens.

I want us to soar once again as the eagle on the mountain top. I want to see our wings flapping in the wind as we ascend to greater heights. I want to hear your beautiful voice singing so gloriously that I am filled with joy and love. I want to see your wings casting shadows under the moonlight and rising up to the sun to embrace its warmth. Yes, all these things I want for both of us because we deserve them. And I know that now.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

                                                            BE STILL MY SOUL

As I ponder the title of this blog I am reminded of the hymn: “Be Still My Soul for God is Near” by author William Dalrymple Maclagan. How often are we really still so we can hear the messages from our souls? I know there are times when I pray that I am not fully in the present while I talk to the Creator. And sometimes during meditation as I listen to the Creator, I wander off at a pivotal point. Even though I typically bring myself back to the moment, I miss the opportunity of hearing that small voice that gives praise, love, healing, compassion, forgiveness, and instructions.

Be Still. Embrace the gentle wind that flows around and through us caressing our bodies with love and healing. Look upon the moon and stars that shine so brightly on a dark night, and garner the wisdom of their presence. Let their heavenly beams brighten our pathway and guide us to a better understanding of ourselves. Listen to the angels sending messages of joy, awakening, peace, abundance and prosperity. Hear the message of hope and love that they bring to us. Let the sound of victory manifest within our being. Bask in the warm glow of the sun as it sends healing to our body. Send appreciation and gratitude for its radiance and vitamins we freely receive.

Be still and give thanks to the Creator for our blessings. Acknowledge the farmers and their workers who daily toil to bring food to our table. Give thanks to the sun for sending warmth to germinate the seeds, mother earth for her gentle nurturing and the heavens for the rain that water and help the crops mature. Welcome the sweet smell of the blossoms of the fruit trees and be intoxicated with their aromas. Enjoy the amazing fruits and relish their sweetness. Be in wonderment that such nourishment springs from those small blossoms, and give thanks.

Be still and walk barefoot in nature’s soil or grass and absorb her healing and grounding powers. When you hug the tree listen to its wisdom because it has a story to tell. Be in awe of the greatness of the small, medium and large trees that loom on our horizon. Reflect on the transformation of the butterfly from a caterpillar so we too can transform ourselves.

Be still and acknowledge the creation of mother earth’s kaleidoscope of flowers, and be thankful for the birds and bees that pollinate her flowers. Look at the array of beautiful cacti that line the desert. Marvel that some of those cacti give life-sustaining food to the desert travelers and welcome the majesty of their blooming plumages. Be enthralled to the music of the chirping birds as they flit from trees to trees singing their songs of praise.  Watch the mother hens and their chicks, the female birds and their young ones, the animals with their newborns. Watch how they nourish, nurture, cherish and protect their young. They all offer such wonderful lessons for humanity.

Be still and listen to your inner child who aches for the love, compassion, joy, friendship, kinship and all that were absent from our lives when we were young. Send love and compassion to him/her for you are a reflection of that child. Pour your heart out to your inner child of all the pain, disappointment, abuse, that you have experienced and encountered. Know that the angels are with you at this moment of releasing and the Creator is now holding you in His loving arms, cradling, rocking, and surrounding you with unconditional love. Be aware that you are loved beyond your wildest imagination. Enjoy this state of bliss which will be embedded forever in your psyche.

Be still and know that all is not lost in this topsy-turvy world. Be open and receptive to this message. Become inspired to be a creative warrior for justice, peace and goodwill. Listen to the beat of your heart; hear the messages of hope, love, healing, forgiveness, and compassion. Embrace this stillness, for in these moments of stillness we can hear and listen to the voice of our Creator and we can begin to co-create a better today and all our tomorrows.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

                                                            THE BUDDHA IN YOU

Thousands of years ago a wise man said: Look within, thou art the Buddha. Now take a good look in the mirror. What do you see but a reflection of yourself, the Buddha within?  We are all Buddhas destined to cause a human revolution within our lives and the world. When we live our lives to our highest potential displaying, love, compassion, gratitude, mercy and obedience, we are living the Buddha’s life.  In whatever form of Buddhism we practice when we act and live the tenets of these teachings we are emanating our Buddhahood.

According to the teaching of Nichiren Buddhism when we chant Nam-myoho-rengo-kyo ("I devote myself to the mystic law of cause and effect through sound," we are changing our inner self and this change is reflected in how we are seen by others. When we change people around us change.

We are in a pivotal stage of our evolution and our purpose is to reflect the Godlike qualities within us: to love unconditionally, illuminate the world with healing and compassion and raise each other’s vibration to the highest and greatest good of humanity. Let our Buddha nature surface and give humanity the infusion of light and love that we all need from time to time. When we do this on a daily basis, we are raising our own vibration as well as planet earth. Today is the day we start this chain reaction in elevating our thoughts in accelerating our vibrational power and ascendency.