Monday, July 25, 2016


July 25, 2016

                                                            THE GREATEST GIFT IS LOVE

In the words of Master Jesus: “Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends”. John 15:13 (King James Version).This is the ultimate portrayal of unconditional love as was preached during Jesus’ life on earth. Think about how awesome this statement is. 

I am not saying that we should start giving our lives for our enemies or for our friends. On the contrary, I am saying if we can find it in our hearts to love unconditionally, especially those who cause us pain, grief, loss of trust, and whatever discomforts we are experiencing and all the myriad of things that anger us for which we are unable to let go, there will be no need to sacrifice our lives because LOVE IS THE ANSWER to all our grief, and sufferings.

To open our hearts to unconditional love is easier said than done –I know from experience. I am still working on it daily. This change does not take place overnight, it is constant work but the reward is so freeing and exhilarating.  To send unconditional love to someone who has wounded you so deeply is the best antidote you will ever find. It frees and releases you from the anger, pain and mistrust that have been eating away your very soul.

When we are filled with love, the unconditional type, we become emissaries of the Creator of All That IS.  We do not expect anything in return for being our god-given selves.  The universe opens up to us and pours out abundance.  We experience wealth – in health, companionship, friends, and families who surround us with that umbrella of love. Stress is no longer part of our daily life hence no disease, pain and worry – all because there’s no lack of anything. We no longer see our fellow being as being different from us regardless of their ethnicity. We are all one.

Whatever the circumstances we are confronted with when we are filled with unconditional love, we get clarity of thought and a different perspective of the situation and are able to overcome it while being steadfast in our love vibration. In the face of hatred, love conquers all the time – in the face of adversity love strengthens. In the face of disaster love comes to the rescue.  How many times have we seen this manifest?  Think about the global reaction to Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, or the terrorist attacks in Paris. The outpouring of love from all over the country and the world – were examples of unconditional that were allowed to come to the surface.

Where there is love hate cannot thrive, where there is love evil cannot abide. Love is the beacon that shines its light into our hearts magnifying the eternal stream of unconditional love that flows endlessly into the inner and outer realms of our physical, spiritual, emotional and mental bodies. Unconditional love is the unseen glue that binds humanity together in the image and likeness of our Creator. Let us pull out our garden tools and start planting the seeds of love and see how the world around us changes. We are the instrument of change so let’s continue the love revolution.

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