Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28, 2016

                                                ORDER FROM CHAOS

The election is now over.  It has been a year of madness, bitterness, and chaotic behavior.  All these manifestations are in divine order and the winner is now imbued with restoring order from the shambles of chaos. This also is in divine order.

We cannot escape the order of the divine. Sometimes we get frustrated and cannot fathom why inappropriate behavior is tolerated. But if we peel back the curtain and take a look at past history, we realize that the drama we have created must be played out until the final curtain. Only then can we begin to reshape our orderly creation.

There were times during this election cycle that we wonder whether we were temporarily insane. Neighbors, friends, and families turned against each other because each side was hearing what they wanted to hear. If the pronouncements on the campaign trail are to be believed then we are in for a period of intense density. But we as light givers are here to effect an orderly transformation of darkness to light. We all have to utilize our creative energy of love, light, healing and compassion to make order out of the chaos.

The year 2016, in numerology, represents #9 (2+0+1+6) which signifies the end or a completion.  It also represents emotional energy – witness the chaos that we saw in this election cycle. It is also a time for embracing the bigger picture. The #9 is a reminder that we can no longer look through the lens of our own local scale but through the prism of the global stage. We are all interconnected.

We are at the pivotal stage of emerging from darkness and into the light. We are now called more than ever to embrace the light and shine forth our gifts for the betterment and the elevation of mother earth: one of the essential ingredients for a higher vibration of planet earth.

By sending light we can dispel the darkness that lurks on the horizon. We can send love to the nation to counteract the negativity and we can send healing to the wounded spirits and, above all, we can have compassion for what we have manifested.  Everything is in divine order.

Friday, November 11, 2016

November 11, 2011                                          


What is FAITH?
“... Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,” Hebrews 11:1, King James Version (KJV). Faith is the belief, against all odds, that there is a good solution to everything. We exercise a high level of faith daily. From the unfettered knowledge that the sun will rise in the East and set in the West, to believing that the moon will appear on the horizon somewhere in the world without any effort. Faith is the hope that the God we pray to will hear and acknowledge our petitions and the trust we place in the Higher Power that everything will eventually right itself.
We are reminded of our faith when we use our creative ability and the inspirational flow from our Higher Self to shape and form a new paradigm to move forward. When we exercise faith in recognizing the creator’s voice to manifest our desires, we can assure ourselves that faith is at work and we can remove ourselves from situations that no longer serve us. Sometimes, this is not as easy as it sounds—especially if what we want does not manifest in the time we expect and we become disenchanted, disillusioned and unhappy.
But as co-creators of our world, we get to have the faith that the words we pronounce with our mouth have been heard, and the assurance that it will manifest itself in due time. Because of our faith, we know that it will be delivered, maybe not in the manner we thought, but at the exact way it is supposed to be.
The universe has big plans for us, and they are plans that our soul agreed to execute before we were born. All that is required is for us to stay strong and be faithful with our quest. Leave the details to the universe and everything will unfold even better than you could have wished. Our faith will then be manifested as we enjoy the abundance that is our birthright.

Faith opens the doors of love, peace, happiness, healing, and compassion for us and for all humanity. So let’s exercise our faith to break down the barriers and/or chains that prevent us from gaining access to the endless possibilities of wealth, abundance, prosperity, spirituality, compassion, peace, and love and exercise the faith that will bring us all of the above.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1, 2016                                                    

                                                            THE TIMES ARE CHANGING

The times are changing around us and we have to change with the times. This is essential to human evolution.  We shed the old and embrace the new. In this new paradigm we bring compassion, unconditional love, and illumination to the darkness. As Alfred Lord Tennyson said in his famous Morte d’Arthur: “The old order changeth yielding place to new…” So we must yield and accept the new because change is inevitable for our continued enlightenment.

As we look around the world, we are surrounded by wars, greed, hatred, corruption, etc., and we are frightened about the awesomeness of the new day that awaits us. We refuse to let go and embrace the change that is upon us.  We are so entrenched in the stability of the old order that we invent obstacles and place barriers to resist taking the necessary steps to evolve—all to the detriment of our souls. One of the reasons many civilizations fell was their resistance to change. Sometimes it was forced upon them resulting in wars; many carried on for years, and in the end, change did take place. More often or not the only choice left was revolution.

We are willing to make wars, subjugate populations to inhuman treatment rather than embrace the changes necessary for our evolution. We hold unto power as a mantle, unaware that power is transitory. As the power gradually slips away from us we become more fearful and tighten the reigns and create more havoc. When we fail to make the inevitable changes, we become stagnated and isolated--living in days of old that no longer serve us. Man-made power is temporary. The Creator’s power is permanent.

At each major step of the human evolution we were faced with major catastrophes.  We shifted our thinking and allowed the change to take place. And we continued to evolve. In the times when change was trust upon us, we faced the challenge and emerged a better race of people. Time and time again we have withstood the subtle and not-so-subtle forces of change and our evolution continued. We have come a long way from the dark ages and are now moving into the age of enlightenment, love, healing, light, and compassion.

We get to accept the changing of the guards. The old guards get to make way for the new.
In order to embrace this change, we get to examine our belief system, and how well that belief has served us. We get to take a good look at our lives physically and spiritually, declutter and remove the things that are no longer useful to us. We can now manifest peace, abundance, unconditional love, wellness, healing, joy and compassion to fill those empty spaces that we have created. We all are called upon to make the changes necessary to evolve for the greater good of humanity and our planet. That is our life mission on this planet.

When we allow the energy of change that the Creator sends to us we are transformed like the butterfly, and are free from angst, bigotry, hatred and all the negative traits that never served our greater good. We now look through life from the lens of love. We see the reflection of ourselves in our neighbors: perfect, whole and healthy because that is who we are. We aspire to become our brother/sister’s keeper. We selflessly stretch forth a helping hand to those in need. We become a community of helpers and/or doers for each other. We never ask for anything in return because the circle of life and love is unending allowing us to reap what we have sown: unconditional love, healing, light, and compassion.

This is not an easy task to accomplish. It takes constant work, but for the sake of our soul’s evolution, we get to make the change within ourselves to enact the changes on planet earth—through prayer in action.