Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28, 2017

                                                            WHERE DID OUR LOVE GO?

Where did our love go?  It’s a question I keep asking myself when I look at all that’s happening in the world. We are a product of love; and love is filled with empathy, compassion, joy, laughter, and healing. Yet, we are seeing a greater manifestation of the shadowy (darker) side of our humanity that is unforgiving and unloving. This is not the standard level we’ve experienced. We are living now in a heightened awareness of the darkness that exists. And, it is an aberration of who we truly are: it is the opposite of our Divine Essence. But please don’t give up hope. This manifestation is here to teach us the lesson about our Divine Essence and what that truly means.

We carry in our genes both dark and light DNA strands. We need not be ashamed of this. We now know that the darker side is not for our highest good. However, we cannot ignore it. It is a part of us. Throughout history, we can see where humanity has allowed darkness to grow to its fullest.  Now, we are witnessing the closing chapter of the darker side of our humanity as our light-filled true self emerges.  We are now utilizing the light strands of our DNA and are in the throes of scraping the bottom of the barrel of darkness.

To complete the task, we all have to embrace and come to grips with the darker side of our humanity, by doing one thing: LOVE IT.  Until we learn to love the dark, rather than hate or belittle it, we will never overcome it. By this, I don’t mean love being angry, mean or evil. I mean learn to have compassion for those who have chosen to manifest darkness as a way of being. Until we learn how to see that “hurt people, hurt people,” and love them in spite of it, we will continue to manifest unhealthy conditions in our lives and the world.  As we choose to master the shadowy aspect of our makeup by giving grace and love, we raise our vibration to the highest possibilities. 

So instead of wondering why this is happening. See it for what it truly is: An opportunity to embrace, fuse, and acknowledge our twin sisters and brothers with love and compassion. And each time we do so, we are able to forward and upward with our elevated vibration of love, joy, peace, harmony, and compassion within ourselves and with others. 

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