Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25, 2016                                                       

                                                            ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE

I am on the last leg of my Transformational Life Coaching Journey and October 9, 2016 was an emotional day for me. It was the graduation ceremony and there were 13 students in the class. I thought of the number’s significance. In numerology, the number 13 equates to 4 (1+3) and the energy of the 4 is to ground. The energy of 4 is form and foundation for plans, dreams, and ideas. It also builds, endures, and preserves our accomplishment. As we ground ourselves we become unshakeable in our manifestation.

As our teacher, Richard Seaman, succinctly pointed out we are a tribe. As he was imploring us to go into the world to shine our lights, magnify the gifts that have been given to us, and make a difference, I envisioned a tribe of thirteen Way Showers.

As I listened to his words extolling our greatness and challenging us, in his stern, yet loving way, to stand in our integrity in whatever we do, create what is good and wholesome from the core of our being, I am reminded of Matthew 19:26: With God all things are possible (The King James Version). I quote this scripture because it was vital for all of us to come together as a group. This was no accident, it was divinely ordered. The energy was palpable and I thank Spirit with love and gratitude to be a part of this awakening.

My journey in this class did not start with enthusiasm.  I was led by Spirit to further my education. I began questioning the “whys” as I am wont to do when confronted with change.  I thought, I already have my niche why should I seek another tool. I obeyed Spirit’s instructions stubbornly, and went to SWIHA, the place to go to forward your quest.

I recently became a Reiki Master. But my healing practice was not doing great. Those I had were repeat customers. I was not starving and with few financial obligations I was quite content. I did not aggressively seek clients. In order to keep myself in tune with the flow of energy I would volunteer my services once a month at SWIHA as an Energy Worker and wherever I was called. And that was fine with me, or so I thought.

During my coaching class we did an exercise called “in the box” where the premise was to get out of the box. At this junction, I was beginning to warm up to the possibilities of the program.  And during that exercise I realized I had put myself in a box, and I was no longer comfortable within those four walls.  I had my “Ah-ha” moment when it was my turn to get out. This was driven home when my classmate coach, Victoria, said to me that my tool was with me in the box. I looked at her askance and Vicky pointedly told me that I have the “knowing” within me to get out.

And as we stood in that circle of energy listening to each other declaring our intentions, I realized that all things are truly possible. We can be a beacon of change within ourselves and our community, one day at a time. We can move this energy of love, light and compassion forward and upward and welcome everyone to enter this great energy circle. As we stepped back from the center of the circle we beckoned and embraced those who are making their journey to enter and expand the circle of peace and love.

I am grateful for the energy of my fellow travelers who allowed me to see that there is not just one gift the Creator has given us but a multitude of gifts.  And as we carve out our niche, we are better able to serve humanity with love, compassion, and gratitude.  Thank you my Way Shower instructors, Richard, Loree, and Natalie for being there when we most needed you. Congratulations my spiritual travelers, the journey is not over. We have only tasted the appetizers. Now, let’s move onward to the main course. Believe in magic and be magical in our continued transformation.


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