Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 16, 2016

                                                ARE WE BEING TRUE TO OURSELVES?

Have we been true to ourselves? Have we created a loving, healing and compassionate
community for ourselves, our children and our fellow human beings?

The Creator made us into His own image and likeness and we are the prototype of goodness, love, generosity, kindness and compassion. When we are true to our self, we create peace and harmony. Yet, we have used our creative ability to build a world not of love and compassion but one that has a lot of hatred and chaos. The environment we have created is not a true reflection of ourselves. And we are now experiencing the environment we have created.

We go about our daily lives sowing seeds of discontent within our environment and, more importantly, within ourselves. We have done a disservice to ourselves by creating this angry, bitter and hate-filled environment.  It has become so toxic that most of us, if it were possible, would just disappear. How did we reach this level of discontent? We have lost touch with our inner light – the guiding light that propels us to be true to ourselves.

But we can change that. Let’s start by showing gratitude for what we already have: like our families whose very presence (whether you are in good relation with them or not) is a blessing. We all have friends and acquaintances that shower us with love.  And if we take a moment to look outside, we can see and enjoy the wonders of nature with all her beauty.  When we see the glass half full instead of half empty, it changes the environment around us. Time and time again, we yearn for what we don’t have (operating from the perspective of “lack of”) or harping on the “good old days,” which if we were true to ourselves, it wasn’t all good. What was good back then was community camaraderie: we helped each other, we looked out for each other and we shared with each other. We were truthful to ourselves and to others. We were our brother’s keeper.  We were all one. This was our community spirit.

We are on the cusp of electing another president for the next four years.  The visions espoused by the two candidates are completely opposite. One offers a pessimistic view of things and the other offers a glimpse of what can be a better future. We, as creator, can envision a world full of love, healing and compassion. We can use our creative ability to send love and light to both candidates.  And we can be in action about being love and light where we are whether we are part of the campaign or not. We have it in us to manifest this reality.

Are we living up to our God-given potential by being true to ourselves?  We are at the crossword where we have to light the fire of our inner truth and start to love ourselves again as well as loving our fellow beings. When we are true to ourselves we no longer have the desire to be untrue to each other.  

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