Sunday, January 29, 2017


January 29, 2017                                           

                                                THE CHANGES ARE UPON US

As I watched the women march for respect, equality and justice, I am struck with the most powerful thought: this is not in protest of the new president--that was incidental. It is in celebration of the incoming female energy that has been bubbling beneath the surface for ages. By losing the election, even though she received almost three million more votes than the incumbent, Hillary Clinton became the catalyst for the uprising and swelling of the feminine energy. Women, young children and men have come together like never before. The event propelled nearly four million women and men to march for respect, equality and justice for all.  In Washington, DC, the seat of government, there were more than a million marchers. In almost every nook and cranny of the country people were showing their support. It was not women alone who were marching, there were children with their parents, men were there supporting and expressing their feminine energy as well. They stood shoulder-to-shoulder with their friends and families.  Not in our lifetime has this country bear witness to such a powerful demonstration—even during suffrage. The energy was palpable and we marched as one united in a just cause. Welcome my sisters and brothers.

The feminine energy is on the rise not only in America. At the last count I heard on the television, there were over 22 countries participating and over four million marchers world-wide in this energetic surge. 

This energy has to be nurtured like a baby and not be subject to abuse. Power can be a heady thing so the ego must be set aside for the greater good. The time is now when wrongs must be righted.  Truth must be told and injustices must be uncovered. We must be vigilant when we see injustice being metered out--whether because of the color of one’s skins, ethnicity, LGBT community, or religious persecution, injustice to one is injustice to all.  We must not only become our brothers/sisters keepers, but see ourselves as our brothers and sisters.

The rise of the feminine energy, means we are ushering in a gentler, nurturing, loving and compassionate nation.  We, however, must do our part to accomplish this evolutionary change that has been a long-time coming. The rise of the feminine, however, does not mean we discard our masculine side. It does mean that we get to embrace both and to show up in the world as our full selves. Men and women can be strong, yet loving and compassionate.

Former President Obama showed us how possible it is for a male leader to embrace that balance. Hillary Clinton also showed us how possible it is for a woman leader to embrace both sides of her divine. We know that the ego finds it easier to attach to the masculine energy. And we know that it is fighting for the illusion of survival. America, one of the world’s largest superpower in the western hemisphere, will be last bastion of the exclusive club of male heads of state. The rise of women leaders in countries typically ruled by men have shown us that there is no turning back to the “good old days and the old boy clubs.” Let us free our collective minds and embrace the endless possibilities of the highest and best good for everyone. 

The time is now ripe for changes to be processed and implemented--always reaching for the highest light, love and compassion. Equality and justice for all must be the centerpiece of this beloved nation, which are the essence of the divine feminine.  Without that, we will only perpetuate the old system of “ME” and not “US.” 

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