December 18, 2016
According to New Age Teaching and Astronomers we have been
in the Aquarian Age since 11/11/11, or 12/12/12, take your pick. The Aquarian Age
will last approximately 2,000 years. The Aquarian Age ushers in a period of self-examination
and newfound “truth”. In the Piscean Age we had followed blindly the
patriarchal society, seldom questioning the dogmas that were laid down before
us. We subjugate ourselves to the “elders” as they know what was good for us.
Now, the old guards need to be changed and be replaced with a new paradigm of
compassion, tenderness and light and most of all LOVE. Love is the answer.
We are in the information age whether we want to acknowledge
it or not; it is here to help or hinder us depending on how it is used. Everything
is placed before the world and secrets that were hidden are now being revealed
in rapid succession. These revelations are to be scrutinized to see what
“truth” is in line with our values and integrity and how best can we utilize
them for the highest good.
We now have to examine ourselves and look within for answers
that have long eluded us. The answers were always within us. We can no longer
look outside of ourselves for directions because we have been awakened and we
have choices. We can be illuminated by the loving light that is within us and
send that light to the outer world or we can continue to live within the
We can now utilize our knowing to be beacon of light, love
and compassion to uplift humanity. We can now use our empowerment to live in
fear and continue to see ourselves as victims or bring forth the love that will
elevate us as victors. Whatever our
beliefs we are now on the pathway to determine whether this system is now a
hindrance or a furtherance of our spiritual growth. The time for reflection is now.
The Aquarian Age is about the blossoming of our spirituality.
Whatever name we ascribe to the Creator, it is time for us to show up on a
daily basis, acknowledge, practice, and embrace our divine linkage with the
Creator. When we connect with the Divine, we are invigorated with the
wholesomeness of love, healing, compassion, charity and all the positive energy
of the Creator. We come alive with
richness of spirit to disburse to everyone and not feel depleted. We can live in a loving community with our
fellow being where war is past history and we no longer feel disconnected.
This is the time for our guiding light to shine forth and
illuminate the dark and dire recess of our thinking. We can replace them with
bold, enlightened and loving ideas that will embolden us to overcome the darkness
that have overshadowed us for so long. It is the time for us to emerge from our
cocoon as transformed beings of light passionate in our love for each other. Let
us be the instrument of change within ourselves and watch as the world changes
around us.
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