Friday, December 30, 2016

                                                            THE ENDING OF 2016

As 2016 is closing, for those of us who prayed for changes (within and without) and have not seen the manifestation of those changes, please take heart and don’t despair.  The changes you have asked for although they have not materialized as you desired, are gradually taking place within you as part of the Divine Plan.  The Creator has heard your supplication and has granted your request and they are manifesting in incremental stages.  Our frail human bodies cannot withstand the overload if all we desired were to be accomplished in the time we call now – so baby steps are necessary.

We have seen unexpected changes this year. Some changes brought out the best in us, and some the worst. Please remember that there is good and bad in all of us. We take the bitter with the sweet and that is life and growth. If everything was all good how would we grow?  The changes that we asked for are two-fold. Sometimes when we ask fervently from our minds, our heart is asking for something different. Therefore, the prayers that come from the heart and not the lips are answered. When we have the discerning mind to know the difference, then we can recalibrate our asking.

As we come to the end of 2016, which is a number 9 year in numerology and represents the end of a cycle, most of us cannot wait for it to be over. We are ready to be rid of all the negative that 2016 appeared to have manifested. However, in retrospect, there is much to celebrate: Some of us have graduated from school, or started our own business. Some of us made new friends, some of us have grown closer to family and some of us have opened ourselves to be loved and to love. There are myriads of magical things that took place, some of them, albeit not in big splashes, but none-the-less, miracles. Every day is a miracle. Let us be grateful for them and enjoy the blessings. For those who experienced transition of our loved ones, my deepest sympathy to you. Know that they are still with you, in spirit.

So my wishes for all my fellow beings on planet earth as the dawning of 2017 approaches is to let us celebrate the new beginning: be open and receptive to miracles; enjoy life to the fullest; make the changes within you that you want to see in the world.

To help you on your journey, I’d like to suggest a great school called Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, to give yourself a chance to strut your stuff. You will be amazed at what shines forth from within. The staff and faculty are wonderful people. I got my awakening there and still continue to expose myself to further awakenings.

With Unconditional Love, Healing, and Compassion, I wish you all a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

December 18, 2016

                                                            THE AQUARIAN AGE

According to New Age Teaching and Astronomers we have been in the Aquarian Age since 11/11/11, or 12/12/12, take your pick. The Aquarian Age will last approximately 2,000 years. The Aquarian Age ushers in a period of self-examination and newfound “truth”. In the Piscean Age we had followed blindly the patriarchal society, seldom questioning the dogmas that were laid down before us. We subjugate ourselves to the “elders” as they know what was good for us. Now, the old guards need to be changed and be replaced with a new paradigm of compassion, tenderness and light and most of all LOVE. Love is the answer.

We are in the information age whether we want to acknowledge it or not; it is here to help or hinder us depending on how it is used. Everything is placed before the world and secrets that were hidden are now being revealed in rapid succession. These revelations are to be scrutinized to see what “truth” is in line with our values and integrity and how best can we utilize them for the highest good. 

We now have to examine ourselves and look within for answers that have long eluded us. The answers were always within us. We can no longer look outside of ourselves for directions because we have been awakened and we have choices. We can be illuminated by the loving light that is within us and send that light to the outer world or we can continue to live within the darkness. 

We can now utilize our knowing to be beacon of light, love and compassion to uplift humanity. We can now use our empowerment to live in fear and continue to see ourselves as victims or bring forth the love that will elevate us as victors.  Whatever our beliefs we are now on the pathway to determine whether this system is now a hindrance or a furtherance of our spiritual growth.  The time for reflection is now.

The Aquarian Age is about the blossoming of our spirituality. Whatever name we ascribe to the Creator, it is time for us to show up on a daily basis, acknowledge, practice, and embrace our divine linkage with the Creator. When we connect with the Divine, we are invigorated with the wholesomeness of love, healing, compassion, charity and all the positive energy of the Creator.  We come alive with richness of spirit to disburse to everyone and not feel depleted.  We can live in a loving community with our fellow being where war is past history and we no longer feel disconnected.

This is the time for our guiding light to shine forth and illuminate the dark and dire recess of our thinking. We can replace them with bold, enlightened and loving ideas that will embolden us to overcome the darkness that have overshadowed us for so long. It is the time for us to emerge from our cocoon as transformed beings of light passionate in our love for each other. Let us be the instrument of change within ourselves and watch as the world changes around us.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December 7, 2016

                                                THE GIFT OF LOVING ENERGY

The day after the election, I found myself energy depleted.  Many of the American people spoke from an unloving place with negative energy and I felt robbed.  I could not remember the last time I felt this way. So because I know that everything has a purpose and it is in divine order, I tried to find answer within myself and from the creator. But each time I came back empty.

On November 10, 2016, two days after the election, I replenished my energy and became one with myself and the universe. I went in my back yard, commune with mother earth, sent love and healing to her, my fruit trees, and all my indoor and outdoor plants.  In return I was invigorated and I decided to take a walk to the grocery store. While doing so I experienced the wonders and blessings of the Creator. 

As I stepped out of my front door I was welcomed with birds chirping and flying all around my fountain. I felt the sun’s warmth on my body nourishing me with vitamin D and giving me a surging burst of energy.  As I felt the sun’s rays on my body I realized that the heat was not debilitating but a glowing flame of loving energy. It was an exceptional morning walk. I wanted to stay outdoors to bask in its glow.

As I continued, I looked around and noticed that the trees were barely moving their leaves. It seemed that there was stillness in the air and yet I felt a gently caressing breeze moving all around me. I felt and was filled with unconditional love. I felt a sense of peace and calm that I did not experienced the previous day and I am exhilarated and strengthened by this knowledge. I felt a tremendous feeling of confidence that I, once again, have been blessed, to witness the Creator’s hands at work. I saw and experienced smiling faces, polite strangers helping each other, and I am reminded that after chaos comes divine order.

This election was ours to determine because we all had a choice. This planet is one of absolute free will. We choose. We create. We manifest. The universe obliges what we choose to create through the laws of attraction. Our thoughts become words and our words become experiences made manifest by our doing and being. We are constantly creating.

This is a wakeup call for us to be ever mindful of our thoughts, words and deeds. We have seen what we created and some of us are not elated. However, we now can focus on creating a better environment by replacing what was built with the greatest ammunition: LOVE. We can send love and healing to our new president-elect and to the other elected candidates. We must send love, light, and healing to our fellow brothers and sisters for the highest good of humanity. We have it within us to bring forth this miracle and we can do it. We are miracle workers.

LOVE is the answer to every situation. As we learn this from all things, our spiritual body evolves with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. And as we continue to co-create with this evolving knowledge, we can send forth love, light and compassion to planet earth and the universe and we can manifest a world devoid of hate, greed, racism, etc. Then, only LOVE will permeate the universe.